Individual Therapy
People Who Have Experienced Anxiety, Stress & Depression
Yes, we are highly trained in treating complex trauma. However, everyone with complex trauma suffers from a high level of anxiety and depression. If you are experiencing a milder form of these symptoms, we can help you as well.
If You are Experiencing
Complex Trauma
Perhaps you are forgoing therapy because you have felt victimized by telling your story in the past and are afraid of being triggered again. We want you to know that we will never ask you to give a full narrative of your story. It is up to you to determine what you want to tell us and when.
Because trauma is held in the body, expressive therapies are often needed in addition to psychotherapy.
• Individual therapy is 60 minutes
• R1:99 uses the tri-phasic model
for trauma recovery:
• Phase One - Safety and Stabilization
• Phase Two - Processing Trauma
• Phase Three – Post Traumatic Growth.
For more information on
pricing, click here.